Jury Is Out on Value of Surveillance Cameras in Britain 02/24/99 06:22:09 PM By Rachel Unsworth, Financial Mail on Sunday, London __________________________________________________________________ Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News Feb. 21--For a nation that takes pride in not carrying identity cards, we are remarkably relaxed about the number of surveillance cameras that film us going about our daily business. Our fear of crime means most of us view them not as Big Brother spying devices but as watchdogs. It is estimated by the Closed Circuit TV User Group that a million such cameras are employed in Britain. Local authorities run nearly 500 CCTV schemes, partly funded by Home Office grants. Though CCTV systems were initially installed in town centres to protect shops, they are spreading to residential areas, schools and parks, largely in response to the public's fear of crime. The jury is still out on the effectiveness of CCTV in fighting crime. Some studies suggest it merely displaces trouble to other areas. Last year, the House of Lords called for an independent inquiry into the merits of publicly funded schemes. Since the early Nineties, when public and private spending on spy cameras boomed, crimes against property have declined. But this trend was predictable as the economy improved following the recession. During the same period, violent crime has increased, which can be partly linked to higher alcohol consumption resulting from more disposable income. The Home Office, which has spent UKpound 45 million on CCTV since 1995, is not emphatic about its effect. ``CCTV can be effective in reducing crime, and the fear of crime, when used as part of a wider strategy,'' it says. Britain's shopkeepers spent UKpound 42 million on CCTV in the 1996-97 financial year, well down on previous years because of the number of systems already installed. Mike Schuck, the British Retail Consortium's assistant director for crime and security, says the cameras are not used solely to combat shoplifting. ``They help to improve workplace safety for employees,'' he says. In fact, cases of violence against shop staff went up by 44 percent between 1996 and 1997. But if the cameras do not deter crime, they may help to secure convictions. ``Police often find that when defendants see footage from security cameras, they plead guilty,'' said Ron Alalouff, from trade magazine CCTV Today. ----- Visit the Financial Mail on Sunday at http://www.financialmail.co.uk UKpound preceding a numeral refers to the United Kingdom's pound sterling. (c) 1999, Financial Mail on Sunday, London. Distributed by Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News. END!A$9?DM-CAMERA AP-NY-02-24-99 1911EST